Despite his highly inventive and outspoken nature, Nikola Tesla was the textbook definition of an introvert. Unlike Edison who was a renowned extrovert, famous for his elite social circles and business endeavors, Tesla was always more reserved.

The words ‘introvert’ and ‘extrovert’, coined by famous psychologist Carl Jung, are psychological terms used to classify personalities based on social behavior and their preferences. They share the Latin root ‘vertere’ meaning ‘to turn’. The prefixes ‘into-’, meaning ‘towards inside,’ and ‘extro-’, meaning ‘towards outside’ describe the direction or orientation their personality takes. Introvert, etymologically translating ‘to turn inside,’ refers to a person who attends to his or her thoughts, emotions, and conscience and is generally reclusive. Introvert, etymologically translating to ‘turn outside,’ describes a person who focuses more on social engagement and is generally more outgoing.

In psychology, introversion and extroversion are the opposite ends of a behavioral spectrum that describes personalities and psychological traits. As a general rule, introverts are associated with sensitive traits such as deep contemplation, book reading, preferring one-on-one relationships, and avoiding the spotlight. Conversely, extroverts are associated with bold traits such as public dealing, partying as a recreation, holding multiple relationships, and eager to get into the spotlight. It is important to note, that every individual owns diversified traits, and people can have traits that belong to both personality types, introverts and extroverts. If you want to learn more about these words, keep reading till the end

Introvert vs extrovert – definitions, meanings, and example sentences

Definition of introvert

‘Introvert’ is pronounced as ‘in-truh-vuht.’ It is a noun and refers to a person who reflects more on himself and prefers solitude and seclusion over socializing and interaction. It was originally coined as a psychological term to classify personalities with certain unique qualities that comprise ‘introversion’. Introverted people usually enjoy solitary activities, exhibit thoughtful and reserved behavior, and avoid engaging with people. Nowadays, however, it is more widely used to describe anyone who is generally shy and private in behavior. The adjective form of ‘introvert’ is ‘introverted’ and is synonymous with ‘introspective’ and ‘shy’ in common usage.

Example sentences of Introvert

  • Introverts are different from shy people; the former avoid interaction while the latter fear it.

In the sentence above, ‘introvert’ is used in the first clause as the subject. Not only does it show how the word under consideration can be used as a noun, but also how it differs from the adjective ‘shy’ that gives away a similar meaning. Introverts prefer solitude, whereas shy people fear communication or contact.

  • The poet was a classic introvert while his friends were less introverted and liked partying.

The sentence above uses both the noun and adjective forms of the word ‘introvert’ to highlight their usage.

  • ‘My client’s silence is a sign of his introversion; he’s guilty of being an introvert, not a killer,’ the lawyer pleaded.

Introversion and introvert are both nouns. The sentence above helps to clarify their distinct usage in sentences according to their meaning. During case proceedings, the lawyer’s client who was the alleged victim stayed quiet. The lawyer thus clarified that his client was guilty of having a reserved personality and not killing someone.

Definition of extrovert

‘Extrovert’ is pronounced as ‘ek-struh-vuht.’ Like introvert, it is also a noun but stands for a nearly opposite meaning. Extrovert refers to a person who is naturally inclined to be more social, engaging, and interactive and prefers company over solitude. Extroverts can be grouped into a set of people who have certain psychological traits that make them more outgoing, energetic, and socially comfortable. According to Jung, if introverts are one end of a behavior spectrum, extroverts make up the other, with a wide array of behavioral variations in between. Extroverted people fancy being around people and activities that require dealing more with the outside world than with themselves. The adjective form of ‘extrovert’ is extroverted while the state or quality of being an extrovert is called extroversion.

Example sentences of extrovert

  • Most celebrities are textbook extroverts; entitled, opinionated, talkative, and greedy for fame.

The sentence above uses the word extrovert and describes some qualities celebrities are generally considered to have but in a negative connotation.

  • Abraham Lincoln broke all rules of personality stereotypes; he wasn’t an extrovert but quite a statesman nevertheless.

In this sentence, the word under consideration is similarly used but the emphasis is given to the fact that personalities are fluid and cannot always be put into boxes.

  • ‘The debating team should have extroverts on board; extroversion is not an option but a necessity in this department,’ the captain cried.

The sentence above explains the distinct usage of two closely linked nouns ‘extrovert’ and ‘extroversion’. Additionally, the sentence implies that platforms of public oration are better dealt with by extroverts or extroverted personalities, highlighting the meaning of the word.


The words introverts and extroverts may have psychological origin but owing to the abundant use of these words in spoken language, you must remember each word with distinction among the two. As a simple trick to better remember it, ‘introvert’ starts with ‘in’ so these types of people prefer to stay inside, indoors, and in their thoughts. On the other hand, ‘extrovert’ starts with an ‘ex’ as in external. Associate this with external action, energy, enthusiasm, and eagerness as extroverts are full of these traits.